
Organic chicken farm | Organic chicken farm in Pakistan |

RIR Fertile Eggs for Sale in Pakistan

RED Farms is selling pure and fresh fertile eggs of RIR breed all over Pakistan.

RIR Eggs


RIR chicken is usually bred as a layer because of its better egg production that is why Rhode island red(RIR) fertile eggs in Pakistan are the most selling and profitable product for farmers who rear Rhode Island Red chicken as desi layer breed. Egg size of RIR chicken is bigger than other local desi breeds in Pakistan and it weighs more than 50 grams. Red Farms has a well-managed setup for breeding RIR chickens. We provide a natural life cycle to our chickens and provide them with a healthy habitat so that they can lay healthy eggs at a good rate.

At the age of five months, our robust flock of Rhode Island Red approaches the reproductive cycle and starts laying the eggs. RIR fertile eggs are laid fresh then collected, graded, and stored in a temperature, humidity, and germ-free environment. We sell RIR fertile eggs that have the potential to yield 80% results. We guarantee the fertility rate of our RIR fertile eggs. RED Farms is dealing in fertile eggs of RIR chicken at good prices in Pakistan and rearing RIR breed in a huge amount. We are a strong supplier of RIR fertile eggs in Pakistan.
Contact us to order Rhode island red (RIR) fertile eggs at any quantity.

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