Australorp | Black Australorp Farming In Pakistan
RED Farms is engaged in pure black Australorp chicken farming to support the small poultry farmers and the entire farming sector in Pakistan.

Australorp hen farming in Pakistan is a highly demanded breed in the chicken farming sector because of its tremendous and record-breaking potential of laying eggs, heavy-weight to suffice good demand for chicken meat, easy buildup under the same conditions as for other local breeds, etc. This dual-purpose breed is best to invest in and carries the proven potential for business.
The name Australorp (Black hen) is a blend of Australian and Orpington. It is an Australian-origin bird. It was developed from English Black Orpingtons in the early 1900s by Australian breeders. It received global recognition for laying tremendous eggs in the 1920s.

The exceptional qualities of being highly prolific egg layer and yielding healthy desi meat are the reasons for its popularity. Another reason for its popularity is its hardy nature for instance it does not need any high technically equipped control sheds. Its is a free-range breed and has the ability to gain better health at even normal conditions and normal feed. That is why it is considered as the successful dual purposes breed for both breeding and to suffice meat demands.
Black Australorp chicken breed is used to serve both commercial and domestic needs. The local farmer has a chance to alter the trend of conventional farming & to opt for healthy and profitable Black Autralorp farming.
We have been doing black hen farming for years and providing Black Australorp table and fertile eggs, Black Australorp day-old , week-old & month-old chicks, Black Australorp roosters, and Black Australorp hens at reasonable prices and guaranteed purity.
At RED Farms, pure blood-lined, healthy, and disease-free Australorp Black hens and roosters are available for sale in bulk and small quantities along with after-sales consultancy services. Initiate commercial black Australorp farming in Pakistan with our complete support, our years of experience ensures a reliable database for successful farming.
If you want to carry on with Black hen farming in Pakistan, then you have to possess a good ratio of Australorp hens and roosters to have numbers of fertile eggs and chicks to prosper the Australorp chicken farming business in Pakistan.
Why Choose Us
Eggs laying
Egg Weight
Hen Weight