Organic chicken farm | Organic chicken farm in Pakistan |

Common poultry Diseases & Medication

RED Farms engages itself in continuous support for small scale & commercial level farmers to boost healthy and free-range farming in Pakistan .

Poultry Diseases & their Cure

Common Diseases in hens & their solution


Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • If typhoid continues, the bird becomes lethargic.
  • White watery droppings begin.
  • Chicken was not vaccinated with Ghamburo / Rani.
  • Wet bedding (bichali).
  • In case of leaving any sick bird with healthy birds.
  • Using the wrong medication.
  • First use medicine for normal fever (Penadol / Bruffon) or any fever medicine.
  • Furazolidone can be given by mixing one capsule in 5kg feed and giving one time in one day.
  • Mix furaltadone powder in water in the evening.
  • Make vaccines mandatory.
  • Keep the environment clean.
  • Do not let the bedding become wet due to water wastage or droppings.


Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • Facial swelling for instance, eyelid, wattles and comb.
  • Comb turns to pale color.
  • Smelly and thick discharge from eyes.
  • Bubbles at corners of eye.
  • Open mouth breathing.
  • Decrease in egg production.
  • Decreased appetite and drinking.
  • Introduction of infected bird in the flock.
  • Contaminated feeders & drinkers.
  • Breathing polluted air.
  • Antibiotics can be used to treat the flock or bird.
  • Use Erythromycin and oxytetracycline.
  • Use of the combination of sulfonamides, sulfonamide-trimethoprim can be effective.
  • Good management, rigorous sanitation, and a biosecurity plan are the best ways to avoid coryza.


Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • Blood discharge in droppings.
  • Feebleness, messy feathers and skin turning to pale.
  • Blood located at the vent site of the bird.
  • Decrease of thirst & appetite.
  • Reduction in growth rate.
  • Poor egg laying.
  • Unhygienic conditions of coop or shed
  • Add Amprolium to the water.
  • Add probiotic supplements in water as a precautionary measure.
  • Keep a strict plan of bio-security and hygiene.
  • Do not visit different farms with same clothes, shoes or equipment.
  • Keep a separate pair of shoes and dress for visiting the same coop or shed.
  • Construct your coop or shed away from the other farm.


Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • Mortality.
  • Dehydration.
  • Messy feathers.
  • Vent pecking.
  • Wobbling.
  • Chicken was not vaccinated with Ghamburo / Rani.
  • Bedding (bachali) stayed wet.
  • In case of leaving any sick bird with healthy birds.
  • Using the wrong drugs.
  • In case of persistent fever.
  • Ingestion of toxic material.
  • Give vitamins and electrolytes.
  • Give probiotics.
  • Keep the shed and its surroundings clean.
  • Maintain the temperature of coop or shed.


Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • Appearance of warts and scabs on comb.
  • Runny & greasy drooping.
  • Depression.
  • Poor growth.
  • Yellow bumps around the mouth.
  • Chickens bitten by mosquitoes.
  • Introducing an infected or sick bird.
  • Use tetracycline antibiotic in water.
  • Terramycin with water and vitamin supplement.
  • Treat scabs with dilute iodine solution.
  • Sanitize drinking water.
  • Control mosquitoes.
  • Good management of biosecurity.

6. Infectious Bronchitis (IB):

Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • Gasping, coughing, sneezing, and nasal discharge.
  • Breathe noise.
  • Depression.
  • Watery diarrhea, ruffled feathers, and dehydration.
  • Non administration of vaccination
  • Administrate antibiotics.
  • Vaccine on time.
  • Maintain temperature and humidity.
  • Well defined bio security plan.

7. Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD):

Symptoms Causes Treatment Precautions
  • Sneezing, coughing, and difficult breathing.
  • Running eyes and nostrils.
  • Swelling around the eyes and/or beak.
  • Swelling around the eyes and/or beak.
  • Laziness.
  • Bacterial disease.
  • Administrate the combination of antibiotics such as doxycycline hydrochloride and tylosine tartrate into the drinking water for 7 days.
  • Apply an appropriate eye cream to those birds with eye symptoms for 2 days.
  • Administrate these antiobiotics (tylosin, aureomycin, gallimycin, terramycin) through injection or feed.
  • Keep a better management in terms of hygiene and feed.
  • Vaccinate birds timely.

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