چوزوں کا باعتماد سپلائر آر-آئ-آر
RED Farms پاکستان میں بڑے پیمانے پر خالص اور بیماری سے پاک آر-آئ-آر کے چوزے فروخت کر رہا ہے۔ مختلف عمر کے چوزے دستیاب ہیں۔
آر-آئی-آر کے چوزے
In Pakistan, we have a large number of RIR chicks for sale who are pure blooded, naturally healthy, and disease-free. All of our RIR chicks have had their vaccines. Our chicks are also assured to be of breeder quality. In Pakistan, RIR chicks can be purchased through RED Farms. RIR weekdays chicks, RIR day-old chicks, and RIR month-old are all available.
We maintain the purity of our breeders and follows standard and ethical practices. We follow a healthy cycle of growing our breeders, so our chicks are also born healthier as a result. These RIR chicks for sale are very beneficial to give a boost to your poultry farm business in Pakistan. You can keep this chicken in your backyard or start farming at the commercial level.
Feel free to contact us for your favorite RIR chicks order online. We deliver our chicks nationwide. Among the dual-purpose breed, the RIR breed is most popular for its high egg-laying abilities.

آر-آئ-آر کی خصوصیات
This Rhode Island Red chicken for sale in Pakistan breed is a free-range breed that has excellent exhibition qualities and good production abilities at the same time.
Not only do they have good egg-laying quality, but also their meat is of high quality. This RIR breed is much more productive in winters than in any other weather.
They are known as hardy chicks that can survive in any climatic condition. The RIR chick breed is considered amazing foragers.
RED Farm Pakistan is offering reasonable RIR chick prices in Pakistan. For further information and query, contact us.